

The Bat-utility belt is ridiculous, and Nightwing's costume/compartments only marginally less so. I think it has long been a fan joke that Batman's belt is contiguous to hammerspace; in fact, I'm pretty sure that was the previous Batman's superpower over at capeandcowl. In striking a balance between ludicrous canonical interpretation and ... sanity ... here's a description of PostHumans!Nightwing's costume and what he carries, mostly taken from Wikipedia and the DC Comics Database. 

"Nightwing's costume is tailored specifically to his unique style of crime-fighting. As such, his costume has fewer body-armor inlays than Batman's, anticipating a decreased need for shock-absorption and an increased capacity for motion. A caveat of this configuration can be exploited by capable fighters who are both fast and strong."

The Suit:
triple weave kevlar
insulated against electricity
light sensitive (turns darker in the light) (how does this help??)
mask: built-in radio transmitter/receiver
mask: starlite lenses (night vision)
steel-inlaid collar
one use only taser charge - automatically emits a high-voltage electrical shock when someone attempts to tamper with his suit

Inventory (stored in gauntlets and boots):
sonic or smoke pellets
modified batarangs (I am not calling them "wing-dings", Dick)
knockout gas capsules
throwing tracers
a rebreather - protection against any airborne non-contact toxins
lock picks
small halogen flashlight
wireless listening devices
flexi-cuffs or zip-strips - made of a lightweight diamond-impregnated nylon overlaying a banded steel core; they slide closed and have to be cut off with a diamond-edged cutting utensil
line-gun or grappling gun - uses a strong clamp attached to a high-tensile wire for scaling surfaces and/or traversing gaps; can be recovered by releasing the clamp and rewinding the cable, based from one that is designed as compact climbing gear for commando units, and can lift several hundred pounds
miniature camera
miniature cellphone
some money
small evidence bags

two escrima sticks made of unbreakable polymer
completely normal not bizarrely named batarangs
regurgitant gas pellets - tear gas with an additive to make you throw up
100,000 volt stun gun in his right gauntlet

